VMC customers

VM Coach has helped us so far to systematize our training activity in the Value Analysis and Value Engineering (VA/VE) area. It’s logic and structure, as well as it’s user friendly interface, allow the newcomers to enter the VA/VE activity in an easy and speedy way whilst laying the foundation of the ten steps job plan, getting acquainted with functions and preparing function trees, understanding FAST and many other features that help our newcomers stablish a solid basis on Value Management

Roberto Villegas Head of VAVE CVS, Knorr-Bremse SfN GmbH

The implementation of the Value Management Coach into the Academic Course Value Engineering was an important measure to teach the application of the principles of the Value Methodology. The structured approach of the software helped the students to focus on the principles of Value Management and to improve the knowledge transfer.

Andreas Kohlweiss Technische Universität Graz | Institut für Innovation und Industrie Management

Thanks to the systematic approach, Mr. Ninaus provided us during our Value Management / Value Engineering project, we were able to fully achieve and even exceed our project goals of over 30% cost reduction. Without the first-class support of the VMCoach software and the excellent facilitation of Mr. Ninaus, we would not have been able to achieve such success. We are therefore thrilled and will gladly rely on the VMCoach software to support our value engineering projects in the future.

Gerhard Gadner Development WILD GmbH

Thanks to the experts of VMN - Valuemanager Ninaus we have implemented our ambitious cost efficiency projects. Using the Value Engineering methodology, we were also able to involve our suppliers more closely and achieved our cost targets in challenging times. We already use the VMCoach software to increase our professionalism and employee involvement.
Task tracking and cost transparency have increased significantly as a result.

Franz-Josef Neubauer Chief Technical Officer I Chief Project Officer Springer Maschinenfabrik GmbH

In the VMN modules, I was able to learn the basics, methods and potential of value management and deepen my knowledge directly in the seminars using various case studies. The use of VMC, coupled with the expertise of Mr. Ninaus, contributed significantly to conveying the content in a structured and understandable way. The knowledge about value management will definitely help me in my career. I recommend the modules to anyone who wants to increase the customer value of their products.

Lukas Erharter Student at the Graz University of Technology

I was very satisfied with the content of the value analysis and value management seminar. The small group size allowed for an excellent flow of information and allowed the instructor to answer all questions. The three seminars covered the most important aspects of value engineering and used examples to show how it can be implemented in a company. It opened my eyes to the many possibilities that usually remain hidden in conventional product analyses. I am glad to have learnt such an innovative method and am sure that it will be of great use to me in the future. I would like to thank the trainers for sharing their knowledge and wish them good luck in all future seminars.

Nijaz Karahmetovic Student at the Graz University of Technology

Value Engineering explained in 5 minutes

VMC adds value in many ways

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Follow a guided job plan workflow from the start till the very end. Discover the optimum for cost savings and function improvement.

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Elaborate optimization ideas for cost downs in all disciplines: procurement, concepting, development, production, construction etc.
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By combining hundreds of optimization ideas, you can simulate the best value result for your project, based on different concepts.
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Analyze costs, risks, customer requirements and customer preferences and then go for benchmarking with competitors.
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FAST modelling and function tree as well as function cost modelling and disciplines like Design to value, Target cost diagrams, etc.

VMC benefits

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  • optimizing construction costs and investment projects 20 – 40%
  • reduction of administrative costs (up to 25% cost savings)
  • reduction of claim management costs more than 50%


  • projects according to the stakeholder needs & tailor-made functional fulfillment
  • improvement of quality
  • Benchmark project features against the competition


  • increase in resource efficiency – cross functional teams
  • reduction of project risks by early involvement of suppliers
  • reduce workload with reference libraries 20 – 30%
  • shorter time-to-market from pre-project phase to project closing
  • no more XLS
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  • reduction of product costs by 15 – 30%
  • reduction of overhead (up to 25% cost savings)
  • reduction of complaint costs by 20 – 30%


  • products according to the voice of customer needs (no over-engineering) & tailor-made functional fulfillment
  • improvement of quality
  • Benchmark product features against the competition
  • increase in competitiveness in the market (increase sales by 100%)


  • securing the supply chain through product adaptations
  • increase in resource efficiency – cross functional teams
  • shorter time-to-market from pre-project phase to delivery
  • no more XLS
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  • reduction of process costs by 20 – 35%
  • reduction of administrative costs (up to 30% cost savings)


  • improvement of quality
  • effective and efficient process steps (waste reduction 15 – 30%)
  • competitive processes in the CBD (Cost Breakdown) Benchmark


  • increase in resource efficiency – cross functional teams
  • process simplification (throughput times minus 10 – 30%)
  • increasing the efficiency of order processing
  • shorter time-to-market from pre-project phase to delivery
  • no more XLS

Get a first impression of VMC

Optimize cost and values with VMC – how it works!

Watch the video to find out how you can use the VMC in your company to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Start your value journey

VMC features

  • All worldwide-used VM/VE instruments combined in one software
  • 10 step job plan of Value Engineering, following EN12973 and SAVE International
  • Cost down scoreboards
  • Alternative cost reduction scenarios calculation
  • Evaluation of function fulfillment
  • Idea and concept profiling
  • Task management for task tracking
  • Analysis of cost reduction potentials
  • Central sharing of common data
  • Value Management Cockpit
  • Collaboration in cross functional teams
  • Scaleable for small and big sized Value Engineering projects

About us

We have over 23 years of experience in value management and value engineering and have supported thousands of well-known clients. We know all about value creation and cost optimization. Furthermore, we have also clearly structured the VE-process according to the worldwide standard and made it accessible to everyone in an easy-to-use software, the VMCoach©.

We lead global organizations of value management:

SoV - Society of Valuemanagers

The Austrian NVA (National Value Association) for value management / value analysis is based at SoV - Society of Valuemanagers.


The Austrian NCO (National Certification Organization) for Value Management / Value & Cost Engineering / Value Analysis can be found here.

VMN - Valuemanager Ninaus GmbH

VMN - Valuemanager Ninaus GmbH is the leading consulting company for value management and value engineering in Europe

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